Dr. Archie Carr wrote several books about his journeys. One of them, The Windward Road, was extremely popular. Several chapters described his adventures with sea turtles and Tortuguero. Joshua Powers, a publishing company representative, read it and became fascinated. He nominated Dr. Carr and several of his colleagues to the board of what he called the Brotherhood of the Green Turtle. It was decided that the Brotherhood would dedicate itself to raising of money to fund turtle research. It was incorporated as the Caribbean Conservation Corporation in 1959, and Dr. Carr became the technical director, so he dictated the course the CCC took.

Today the CCC still funds and operates the turtle research station at Tortuguero. With the help of volunteers, over 30,000 turtles have been tagged at Tortuguero, making it not only the longest running sea turtle research project, but also the largest.

Dr. Archie Carr and Giovanna Holbrook were old associates. He lead her first trip to the Galapagos, and was instrumental in her early success in the travel industry. Today, his son, Tom Carr, works for Holbrook Travel in the development department. So it seemed destined that the two organizations should eventually meet again. Holbrook Travel and CCC are partners in the volunteer turtle tagging project, and the Carr family still watches over Tortuguero.

The CCC offers two turtle tagging programs, one week and two weeks long respectively. Those with busy schedules who can only stay for shorter periods can also help by keeping a lookout.