Patho Pharm 2 Course Page

Below are the topics, handouts, and notes for Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I. If you click on the title of a topic, you will be taken to the lecture files (mp3) for that topic. Alternatively, you may download the lectures as a zip file or subscribe as a podcast.

Patho Pharm 2 Lectures: Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Download as Zip File (447 MB)


The podcasts in this section are reviews for the final exam. This section is also a place to put the syllabus and other class handouts.

Patho Pharm 2 Syllabus

Important Notes

  1. The So you think you’re good test is a minimum expectation of what you should know and be able to analyze after taking Patho Pharm 1 and 2. If you can consistently score 100% on it, the rest of nursing school will be a breeze. If you struggle with it you will struggle with the rest of nursing school.
  2. Herbals do not appear on any podcast but will be on the Final Exam.


  1. Quiz 1 – Diabetes and Endocrine
  2. Quiz 2 – Renal and Musculoskeletal
  3. Quiz 3 – Cardiovascular
  4. Quiz4 – Neuro, Genetics, HIV
  5. Quiz5 – GI, Cancer

Class Handouts:

Test and Final Exam Reviews

Final Exam Review

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Kaplan Review

Neuro (Central)

Review peripheral nervous system Big CNS disorders: Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Psych Drugs: Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, Hypnotics, Antipsychotics Miscellaneous nervous disorders Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Psychotropics Lectures

VoiceThread - Antidepressants and other Psych Drugs

VoiceThread - Central Nervous Disorders and Misc Neuro

Video - Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Drugs

Video - Central Nervous Disorders and Misc Neuro



DNA and Protein synthesis Simple Mendelian genetics, polygenic inheritance, Multifactorial inheritance Common genetic disorders Epigenetics Emerging trends

Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Genetics Lectures

VoiceThread: Genetics


Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS There is an updated lecture on VoiceThread.
Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Additional Notes and Resources



Diabetes is a BIG topic. It’s actually several diseases, all characterized by high blood sugar. You have to know the acute and chronic results of high blood sugar, plus the intricacies of the two major forms of the disease (which are nothing alike) AND the treatments and drugs.

Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Audio: Diabetes Patho

Audio: Diabetes Pharmacology

VoiceThread: Diabetes Patho

VoiceThread: Diabetes Pharmacology

VoiceThread: Diabetes Pharmacology Part 2

New Video Lecture: Diabetes Full


Endocrine disorders and treatments Main two are hyper/hypothyroid And hyper/hypo Cortisol (Cushing’s/Addision’s) Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Endocrine Lectures

VoiceThread: Endocrine

VoiceThread: HRT and OCPs

New Video Lecture: Endocrine and HRT


Osteoporosis And arthritis (no notes or podcasts for arthritis) Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Osteporosis Lectures

VoiceThread: Osteporosis

Renal and Diuretics

Fluid and Renal physiology Kidney Diseases Diuretics Class notes:

VoiceThread: Renal

Video: Renal, Musculoskeletal, Osteoporosis


This is the biggest unit this semester and extremely important. For those of you who don’t deserve to be nurses, you’ll get a chance to redeem yourself (hint, the answer is aspirin). This unit builds heavily on last semester and renal. Review the peripheral nervous system, inflammation, and anticoagulants/antiplatelets. You will also need to memorize the CK-MB and Troponin lab values. The unit is broken up into:

  • Blood pressure
  • Arterial and venous diseases
  • Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction
  • Dysrhythmias and Heart Failure

Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Blood Pressure and Treatment Lectures

Vascular Diseases

Coronary Artery Disease

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Cardiovascular Review

New Video Lecture: Intro to CV and Blood Pressure

New Video Lecture: Coronary Artery Disease

New Video Lecture: Atherosclerosis

New Video Lecture: Dysrhythmias and Heart Failure


Falls into three main areas: Upper GI (Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum) Lower GI (Colon) Accessory GI (Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas)

Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Upper GI Lectures

Lower GI Lectures

IBD Lectures

Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas Lectures

VoiceThread: Upper GI

VoiceThread: Lower GI

VoiceThread: IBD

VoiceThread: Accessory GI

Additional Notes


Cellular Adaptations and Neoplasms Pathogenesis and Manifestations of Cancer Basic Chemotherapy principles

Class Handouts:

Class notes:

Cancer Lectures

VoiceThread: Cancer

Additional Cancer Resources